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메인페이지 학생마당대청TIMES


게시 설정 기간
대청TIMES 상세보기
학생회 선거
작성자 *** 등록일 2019.02.09

   July 13th, 2018, election for the president of the school was held in Gimhae Daecheong highschool. The second-grade president Kim Hyun-soo ran for the candidacy alone and won 69.9 percent of the votes. Second grade vice president was elected Park Sang-moon and first grade vice president Yoo Ho-yong. As the chairman of the group, he asked Kim Hyun-soo, the 17th chairman, some questions.

(The following questions and answers to Kim Hyun-soo, the 17th chairman)

1. Why did you run for president this year after being vice president last year?

" There were many difficulties as a vice president last year, but the school is changing because of it. It was rewarding to go there. Based on this experience, I wish I could make a happy school one step higher than the vice president. I wanted to be more proactive."

2. There are pledges that are different from other candidates. How are you going to proceed?"

" Last year, we had a conscience umbrella system that got approval but couldn't do it. We would like to take this opportunity to ease the inconvenience for our students."

  The student president, vice president and student council members were all organized. Unfortunately, candidates who failed to win the election expressed regret. There were candidates who failed in the election, but made good pledges for the students. Kim Seongyoon, who runs at a junior vice president, made a pledge to promote summer clothing for students' convenient school life. Ryu Jihyun, who runs at a junior vice president, made a pledge to communicate with students by promising to eat meals, and to make ' Daecheong High School Open Chat '. Choi Yoo-na tried to improve the practicality of her student ID card by creating a student ID check card, though it is unlikely to be feasible. Seo Ji-young, who ran for vice president of the first grade, paid attention to the convenience of students by pledging to go to school in the event of rain. However, the promise has been around for some time and matters about the standard of how much rain it will rain and how to inform students about their school uniforms and their school uniforms. These were the valuable and promises of unelected candidates for students. The student council elections were followed by interviews with department chiefs. This formed our school's 17th student council.

  First of all, our school election system is very simple and efficient. However, as with all other schools, student councils are not empowered. School is a place for students and a place for students to build themselves. It is very important that students become owners of schools so that they can take more responsibility and lead the schools themselves. Take the words of newly elected president, Kim Hyeonsoo, I hope to change the school through the student council and become the Gimhae Daecheong High School where students can learn happily.

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